EthereumHD Raw Wallet

We are pleased to inform you that our team has completed and released a new wallet for Ethereum cryptocurrency.

We want to give an explanation to less informed users about some details that are found in the description of our app

– Ethereum  cryptocurrency

– HD (Hierarchical Deterministic) Standard for generating new Ethereum addresses uses Bip39. This standard is used by many well-known hardware and online wallets. This means that while generating a new address, you get 24 words that represent your private key. These 24 words can be typed into the hardware and online wallet and vice versa. Use of this standard allows you to quickly move your private key to other compatible devices (Ledger Nano,Metamsak,Myetherwallet ).Eg. when losing the Ledger Nano S you can use EthereumHD Raw Wallet to regain access to your Ethereum.

–  Raw (Raw Transactions) Those are transactions that are signed offline, and only when the transaction is signed then it is sent via internet towards blockchain. Your private key never leaves the memory of Android app, and the already signed transaction means nothing to potential attackers and cannot be misused.

-Wallet is easy to use for beginners and allows advanced users to use additional options such as:

Setting up your own node for connecting to a blockchain.

Setting up your own API token for the history of all transactions.

Setting up the amount of transaction fees.

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